

(圖左) 顧問傑森·米勒(Jason Miller)1月3日在推特上寫道:「完整的錄音將顯示,喬州州務卿(Brad Raffensperger)仍是個駭客,川普總統對州務卿糟糕工作的批評是正確的,所有喬治亞州的選舉官員都是垃圾,總統贏得了這個州。」

(圖右) 喬治亞州共和黨主席大衛沙弗(David Shafer)在推特中寫道: 「總統已在聯邦(法院)和州(法院)對喬州州務卿(Brad Raffensperger)提起了兩起訴訟。在電話會議上,喬州州務卿祕密記錄了『機密協定討論』,該起訴訟正在進行中。」

週六(1月2日),川普和喬治亞州務卿在長達一個小時的通話,白宮幕僚長(Mark Meadows)、川普競選團隊律師(Cleta Mitchell)和喬治亞州務卿的律師(Ryan Germany)也參與此次通話。


你共和黨州務卿為何偷錄音,還將錄音檔給《華盛頓郵報》? 這就如同,明明是綠營政治人物,為何會跑到藍營媒體去罵自己黨的總統及政府?

圖像裡可能有顯示的文字是「 Jason Miller @JasonMillerinDC And the full recording will show that @GaSecofState still hack, @realDonaldTrump spot-on his criticisms the terriblejob Raffensperger did, all ofeoficials the officials running Georgia's elections are trash, and @POTUS won the state. #MAGA Jason Miller @JasonMillerinDC seconds the other @GaSecofState Raffensperger political hack doesn't election integrity care telling the entire story. Release fullta tape!" Jason Miller, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor 5:00 Jan4 2021 @DavidShafer President @realDonaldTrump filed two lawsuits and state against @GaSecofState. telephone conference @GaSecofState secretly recorded was "confidential discussion" that litigation, which still pending. AM+ Jan 2021 」

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